I love all of my OCs. Equally.


Okay another one about creating media! This time about a different project than last time. I’ve been making a book with my friend for a couple years now. She’s the one doing the writing and I’m making the pictures/character designs. The working title for it is “Third eye” and those of you that follow me on Instagram might recognize some of them!


This time I want to talk about creating characters and getting overly attached to some of them more than others.


Disclaimer: I am not a good teacher, do not try to learn from me. There is nothing to learn. Nothing to get. You will be left confused. (Okay okay, you can learn from my mistakes, I’m good at making those!)


You see, you cannot create characters, plan their story, personality, and appearance, and not care about what happens to them. Other than if you are, say, not to name anyone (but I’m 100% talking about a certain mangaka and George R. R. Martin), a full-blown sadist.


Here are some of my characters (Some of them are WIP, because I cannot finish anything to save my life)


Their names: (from left to right, top row first)

Zeina, Zara, Geo, Mae, Carlyle and Dixon


You will fall in love with the characters you birth into this world. That’s not optional. If you put a lot of effort into them, it will get personal real fast. Trust me.

And you will love all of them. Equally. 100%



Okay I lied. You will love some more than others. Way, way more than others.































I love all of my children equally, why do you ask? :)



Sincerely, a terrible mother




  1. My goodness, your art :00 The painterliness, the designs... you have gained a new follower/apprentice.
    Anyways, it's pretty interesting to think about the almost parent-child like relationship of writers and their characters - especially with people likening characters the children of their creators.
    I wouldn't call it being terrible if you prefer some characters over others (maybe I'm just trying to back myself up here lol). I think more often than not character traits and values that you admire or might relate to, design and complexity of the character factor in a lot to your preferences for characters. As well as what that character represents or means to you. I for one have characters who I understand and know better so I tend to "prefer" them over some of my other characters whom I haven't gotten to fully know yet.
    It's admirable how self-aware you are of your preferences though, a trait of a good writer!

    1. Oh MY goodness thank you so much! ;-; <3 I looked through your Instagram as well and your animations are amazing!! (You're definitely trying to back yourself up, just saying >:3 and that's fine too hehe) Thank you for sharing your own experiences and thoughts, that was super interesting to read and I can certainly relate to a lot of what you said! What I've noticed about myself is that I definitely fall in love with the characters I can put a piece of myself into, writing and creating them becomes much more personal! I feel like I do that with each and every character, but to which degree, it really varies. I learn so much about myself while doing that and I find it to be so much fun! (But that includes going through your own terrible traits and it can cause anxiety, or worse, an identity crisis. So yeah, super fun lmao) If I can concider them my 'comfort characters' it's the highest title I can possibly give them ^^ And that's definitely what Zara is to me <3

  2. HeYyY wdym by OC creators loving just one character over all the other 79 oc's!? SUre I may have drawn one of them 500 times and some are just ideas in my head and some............. 90% of them are probably currently battling to death over who gets to eat the last breadcrumb off the floor. They haven't seen daylight in ages... I mean, my demon OCs probably don't mind that but o h m y g o d

    Also, Zara is super cool!! I love her design a lot and I can definitely see why she's become your comfort character <3

    1. You really out here putting all of your OCs into a full-blown battle royale to fight for the #1 favourite status LMAO OnLy oNe wILL geT oUT aliVE
      I can respect that for sure.
      Also thank you sm, that's so kind of you! T_T <3


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