Learning Adobe Premiere 101 (And why James S is my mortal enemy)


I have talked plenty about consuming media through games, anime and manga, so I think it is time to talk about creating media! I have been working on a My hero academia (more specifically Dabi)  fan video/animation project for 1,5 months now and posted regular updates on it in my Instagram stories and story highlights. (So definitely check that out if you’re interested!) It’s going great and I’ve mostly the special effects and backgrounds left to polish.


And I will admit, this is yet another clickbait, do not try to learn anything from me, I AM NOT qualified for teaching :D I’m here to share some experiences, so definitely let me know if you want another blogpost about this project of mine in the future!


Now, I was wondering and pondering, putting those small gray brain cells to good use, as to what I could possibly talk about. Maybe animation? Drawing for editing and rigging purposes? I decided, scratch that, I’m going to talk about my beef with James S.


Who is James S, you may wonder. Give me a moment, we’re getting there.


Some of you might be familiar with keyframes and the concept of them. They are a tool used for animating, let it be text, objects, images etc. I’ve really enjoyed using them. They are super handy, a simple concept, even fun to use. (Although when you are making super complicate things and there are 1000 of them, it’s not.)

Anyway, fun enough, simple enough. Right? 




If you want to animate text properties, you are going to struggle. And cry. A lot.

 I found out about this the hard way. You see, I wanted to use it for making the tracking (=the space between the letters) of the text and make it go from a small value to a bigger value. 


Essentially this:

From point A:

To point B:

But when I did, the keyframe just jumped from one frame to another. Where was my smooth transition I had gotten accustomed to, I wondered.

So I did what any struggling student does and returned to Google with my tail between my legs, defeated.

It was the same thing anywhere I went. 



My exact problem described. To the T.

So I continued reading the responses. Everyone was suggesting the same thing. Why not make it a feature. Quentin here being my man, my homie, and showing the same hopefulness I still had:

*Boss music starts*

Enter James S. The final boss in that video game you played over and over as a child but never could beat the final level. The destroyer of dreams. What that game did to your childhood back when you had yet to learn how cruel life can be, this comment did to me when I learned about the terror that is James S.

The man. The legend. The reappearing horror in my most atrocious nightmares.



But the real terror had barely started:

2019??? James? Where the **** has Adobe stuffed their backlogs?


“Unfortunately” was not going to cut it.

This was unforgivable, the most inexcusable thing I had witnessed during the 21 years of my existence.

The mental torture I have had to endure because of the lack of this feature is unspeakable. Indescribable. Even recalling it sends shivers down my spine.



I had to go through all the stages of grief to get through this.


The denial came first. I could not believe my eyes. How could someone promise something only to not deliver. To forget about it so easily. Despicable. Truly.

Anger. I was spouting while going through the conversations. The hatred I felt for slowing down my progress phonemically was intense. Almost too much for a person to handle.

Bargaining. I considered, for a brief moment, that I, an introvert of the worst kind who hates socializing with randoms online, should write down to James, and let him know how I felt. Then the moment passed as soon as it came.

Obviously I didn’t LMAO, did you really think I’d go that far? No way. (Sincerely, an introvert)

No, instead depression fell upon me. I felt like I could never complete the project I had poured my love, affection, sweat, tears, but most of all, the most valuable resource, time, into.

Acceptance was the last phase. It came seconds after reading James’s comment, could you believe it? James put me through the most horrifying seconds of my life. 










Then I got over it, got back to work, and obviously got it to work. Here’s how it looks now! (⌒▽⌒)


And here are my keyframes for it:

There are 120+ in total

*Shivers* (><) 


Basically I just pulled up my trusty calculator that has been through a lot (that thing carried me through math finals back in upper secondary school, bless him) and manually did each and every one. It was boring as HECK but it looks good so idc~ (ω)






But do not think this changes anything.

Just because I got through it within seconds, doesn’t mean I’ll ever forget. And I’ll never forgive. Curse you, James. Curse you. I hope you suffer like a Chainsaw man character in the hands of Fujimoto.





Sincerely, James S’s sworn enemy.


Disclaimer: I got carried away with the dramatization of events but I hope you enjoyed it anyhow, because I surely was laughing while writing this ¯\_()_/¯ And yes, I wrote 900+ words of this exaggerated shitpost for little to no reason. I was mildly annoyed at best when I discovered this isn’t a feature in Premiere, sorry to burst your bubble ;-; So yes, satire. This was satire. I wish I was this much of a drama queen, honestly.

Ps. I pray for the safety of Adobe’s backlogs every day. Poor guys, may God have mercy on their souls. (Sincerely, an atheist)



  1. ohmygod JAMES. I hoped to never see his profile picture ever again. If you ever need someone to come witch hunt him, hmu.
    Sincerely, another James hater

    1. Surely he can't take both of us at once if we attack together! We must attack at dawn and surprise him >:3 But he might be too strong, damn you James S


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